Elevate your performance with Intelligent Triathlon Training

Why Use a Triathlon Coach?

Working with a triathlon coach can lead to significant improvements in performance for several key reasons. By leveraging a coach's expertise, athletes can benefit from personalised training plans tailored to their specific needs and goals. Coaches help athletes navigate the complexities of triathlon training, ensuring that their efforts are focused on the right areas to maximise performance gains.

Additionally, coaches provide valuable accountability and motivation, serving as a constant source of support and guidance. This can be crucial for athletes striving to achieve their full potential. With a coach monitoring their progress and providing feedback, athletes are more likely to stay on track and push themselves harder than they would on their own.

Furthermore, coaches offer a level of experience and knowledge that can help athletes navigate challenges, prevent injuries, and make strategic decisions to optimise their performance. By tapping into this wealth of expertise, athletes can feel confident in their training, avoid common pitfalls, and accelerate their progress in the sport.

In conclusion, the personalised attention, accountability, motivation, and expertise provided by a triathlon coach can significantly improve an athlete's performance. For those looking to take their triathlon journey to the next level, working with a coach can be a valuable investment in their success.

Should you select a coach based on their achievements as an athlete?

In our experience, this is the WORST reason for choosing a coach. Success as an athlete is not a guarantee that they can coach YOU. Before you choose a coach, interview them, address the issues you need, and ask questions. They are not the coach for you if they are unwilling or unable to provide satisfactory answers. That includes us!

3 Reasons Why You Should Have a Coach

  • # Expertise

    Experienced coaches have worked with a range of athletes an can tailor the training and preparation to your requirements.

  • #2 Accountability

    To help to make you accountable, to push through the hard times and rest when it's necessary.

  • #3 Peace of Mind

    It makes life simpler with the knowledge you are doing your best preparation and your training plan fits your life.

Why Should You Use OUR Triathlon Coaching Services?

With 20 years of experience coaching athletes, from racing in the Olympics to winning in age group competitions or setting personal bests, we have a proven track record of improving athletes' performances at every level.

Having spent 12 years leading the British Triathlon Sport Science Support Team and crafting performance strategies for prestigious events like the Athens, Beijing, and London Olympics, we possess the expertise to cut through the noise. This ensures you are constantly engaged in the right activities at the right time, maximising your training efficiency and effectiveness.

At INTELLIGENT TRIATHLON TRAINING, we recognise that each athlete is unique. We customise all our programs to suit individual needs, tailoring our communication, data analysis, and feedback methods to help athletes continue to progress.

Our approach prioritises your growth and progress, making you the central focus of your journey towards success.

Our Triathlon Coaching Services

  • Mark Pearce Head Coach and Owner

    Triathlon Coaching with Mark Pearce - £240pm

    Mark is a British Triathlon Level 3 coach with a Master's in Applied Physiology. Before creating Intelligent Triathlon Training, he was a physiologist for the British Triathlon Olympic Programme, supporting teams in the 2004 Athens Olympics and 2008 Beijing Olympics. Mark was also Performance Manager for the Women’s Olympic Team in 2008. In 2010 he became head coach for one of the two UK Olympic Training Centres in Loughborough and coached Lucy Hall to the 2012 London Olympics.  

    Since switching to private coaching, he has coached athletes to world championships, European championships and countless personal best performances.

    £240 pm + £115 Onboarding fee

  • Sam Proctor Pro Triathlete

    Triathlon Coaching with Sam Proctor - £200pm

    Sam has raced as an age-group athlete and as a professional long-distance triathlete. He took up the sport in his early 20s after sailing at a high level. Mark has coached him since 2015, and consequently, the two have a lot in common with their coaching, but with different perspectives, skills and knowledge.

    On his first Pro Ironman, Sam set the fastest debut pro time by a British athlete on his way to finishing 8th in Ironman Texas.

    Sam brings a lot of experience as a competitor and is a valuable asset to our coaching team.

    £200 pm + £115 Onboarding fee


See what our past and present clients say about our coaching

Hannah Munday | AG 70.3 & Ironman | 2023 Kona Qualifier and 1st Amateur Brit.

I chose to be coached by Mark due to his high level of experience coaching elite athletes and his background in sports physiology. We’ve been working together for over two years now, and I’ve seen great results.  Mark is also easy to reach - my messages and comments are replied to within minutes, which makes communication and feedback between the two of us much better than any other coach I’ve worked with. Overall, I’m very happy with the service he provides as a coach, and I’m looking forward to seeing what we can achieve together in the future”.

Claire Shea-Simonds | AG Ironman | Multiple Kona Qualifier.

"I started working with Mark after several years of getting close to a sub-10 Ironman but always falling slightly short of the performance target I had set myself. I knew the gains I needed to find were predominantly on the bike whilst also maintaining the strong swim and run that had made me competitive as a top age grouper and regular Kona qualifier for several years. Finding these gains was challenged by a demanding full-time job and the fact I was already working very hard towards my Ironman goals… Plus, I am a woman over 40, and improvements become harder and harder to find at my age."

Features of our

Coaching Programmes

  • As a coached athletes we include a Training Peak Premium account accesss

  • All coached athletes have access to full Best Bike Split race pace planning

    Best Bike Split is a tool that allows us to model a bike course and then use your data to:

    Create race plans – how much power and when to apply it to optimise your pace

    Predict times for the course – factoring in weather and road surfaces etc.

    Demonstrate how changes to equipment or you could influence your time

    Analyse a race and understand more about your drag characteristics

  • We can offer a 15% discount on Stryd power meters for running vi a discount code on Stryd’s website

  • We do not put restrictions on the amount of communication with your coach. Obviously there are times when we won be available but in generally if you need to talk to us, we can arrange it.

  • As a coached athlete, you will receive a discount on other services such as Swim Video Analysis, 121 Technique Sessions, Camps and Classes.

  • When we coach we coach! Ths means being flxible and making adjustments to plans as much as needed, even if that means re-writing brand new programme because something in life has changed.

  • We do not set your goals, your do. We add the expertise to shape the journey to achieving those goals.

  • We build every plan from the ground up. Of ours we have an extenive library of exciting, innovative and varied sessions to use, but the weekly plan and the structure is unique to your circumstances.

How do I sign up?

  • To ensure we can answer your questions and so you can be confident you are making the right choice, lets chat and get to kno one another.

  • Once we have decided to work together we will send links for setting up payments, some admin forms and links to connect Training Peaks accounts.

  • This is an important part of getting to know one another. During this stage we arrange longer meeting so we can dee dive your past experiences. We will have connected Training Peaks accounts and we will have done a deep dive of your data with WKO. This sets the parameters for how the plan will go forward..

  • Once we have completed the onboarding and set a start date, you can get cracking with the training!


I've been successful in triathlons. Can you help me improve my fitness even more?

Honestly, that's an unknown, the answer is probably, but if you have been doing great work and had good coaching, it may be that you are near your maximum potential. The best this to do is get in touch and have a no-obligation chat with us to find out more. 

I come from a running background and am confident in my run training plan, but I need help with my swim bike. Can you help?

Yes, most certainly. We do a custom package which factors in not setting or evaluating the run training; for more details, contact us. 

Do I need Training Peaks?

Ideally yes. There is a free account, and we include a Premium account as part of our coaching fee. We have evaluated other options and concluded that, at the moment, training peaks is the leader for coaching planning and prescription.

Who owns the information in the account?

The Training Peaks account is yours if we put sessions in there, we have shared that information with you, and it is now yours. If you eventually move to another coach, we will not ask you to delete this information as some coaches do. Training sessions don't make a training plan or a coaching programme; it's how they fit together and how they fit the person that matters.

I am not a very technical person. Do I need to know what all the terms mean? 

It does help, but it's not essential; that's what your coach is for! We adapt our style with a flexible approach, so we can provide as much or as little information as required. As you learn more, you might want more depth.

What happens if I change my goals?  

No problem, we will reassess the plan and make any necessary changes, even if that means tearing up the current one and starting again. We are here to help you achieve your goals, even if they move for any reason.

What happens if I cannot perform a training session?

You can drop us a message and ask what is best to do; if it's more serious, we can arrange a call or video chat to discuss the best way forward.

Is there a limit to how much contact we have?

As long as it is reasonable, we do not limit contact. Sometimes we may need to talk several times a week if there is an issue or in the build-up to a race. Other times we may not speak directly for a week or two.

We use all the various video conferencing tools such as Skype, FaceTime etc. but prefer MS Teams, and we have a booking page for athletes to schedule calls and check when we are free.

We also use WhatsApp for more informal issues or quicker responses

How much notice do I need to give to end my coaching?

We ask for one months notice. We do not tie you into long term contracts, we are confident that you will want to stay!