Expert Triathlon Coaching for Everyone

Offering expert triathlon coaching grounded in scientific principles, extensive experience, and a personalised approach.

We believe in providing specific, informed, and objective coaching in partnership with athletes to enhance performance.

Our coaching approach is intelligent and holistic, incorporating scientific knowledge, experience and common sense.

We aim to offer personalised coaching to all athletes, utilising analytical tools, experience, and open communication to optimise performance and develop skill sets.

Effective communication is crucial to a successful coaching relationship, and we strive to make it as effortless as possible for both parties. Feedback and interpretation are seamlessly managed through our coaching platform, Training Peaks. With our extensive experience and expertise, you can trust us to help you reach your goals.

Whether you are looking for triathlon coaching, swim coaching, swim training, or to understand your triathlon performance better, we can help.  

With over 20 years of experience in coaching and performance science, we leave no stone unturned in helping you achieve your best performance.


Our Services

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes – you can book a no-obligation call here

  • We do not restrict contact with coaches beyond a reasonable amount. If you need a chat, organise one with your coach. Whatsapp messaging is the most common form of quick contact

  • If, after the no-obligation call we decide to work together the following process applies

    We will send an email with a link to sign up and complete the HQ and Onboarding forms and another link to connect an existing TP account to the coach's one.

    Arrange an onboarding meeting

    During this we deep dive your training and racing history , look at your life schedule, perform a SWOT analysis, set some objectives

    Agree on a start date

    We then build an ATP and start scheduling sessions.

  • In your first session we will perform a quick analysis of your stroke.

    Then we will begin to work on the drills and exercises to help develop your technique.

    There is an order in which to address issue to ensure the best retention and learning – more on that here.

    If you have the video analysis option then we will perform a more detailed analysis and drop that into the Onform Account.

    We will also include a written summary of key things to focus on and exercises to work on before your next appointment.

  • We use OnForm to provide video feedback; upon signing up for a session, we will create an account for you. This allows you to access the videos, ask questions, and more.

  • The common swim toys. A power meter on your bike is a must, a smart trainer, HRM. GPS watch for running and ideally a Stryd power meter for running although this is not essential it is very useful.

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall”.

— Confucius