Pro Triathlete Sam Proctor's recent trip to Loughborough Uni for Bike Testing
Part 2 of our #whywedowhatwedo series takes Sam back to the lab, this time for his bike tests.
One of the main advantages of a lab test over an FTP test is that it is, for the most part, not driven by motivation. Only a few minutes of the testing are at the maximum level; the rest of the time, your physiological response to changes in intensity is being monitored, all you have to do is keep pedalling (running in the run test).
Getting the data is one thing. Another point is what you get back and what you do with it.
In Episode 3, we will examine the data and describe how we build the training plan and periodisation to bring Sam up to the level we want, but most critically, within the time he has available.
While he races as a pro, he is not a full-time athlete; he coaches for ITT and is a new dad, so you could say he's a fast Age Grouper, just like some of you reading this.
Thanks to Will Munday for all your time editing this together.