Bespoke Training Plans

Bespoke Triathlon Training Plan

These bespoke triathlon training plans are like downloadable plans but are customised to you, factoring in:

  • Time to train

  • Your goals

  • Your training and injury history

  • Your performance profile

Whilst the sessions are chosen carefully from our extensive library of proven sessions, the design of the plan, the schedule, and the phases are all unique to you.

All plans are written and managed by Head Coach Mark Pearce

    1. Subscribe and pay any onboarding fees.

    2. Complete the onboarding form & health questionnaire.

    3. Set a start day at least two weeks in advance. We readjust the subscription date.

    4. Connect your Training Peaks account to ours.

    5. Your plan will be posted up for you to view a few days before the start.

  • Bespoke plans are largely driven by the athlete, the same way a downloaded plan works.

    However, we now include a 20-min call per month for you to discuss or issues or ask questions.

  • Yes you can, within Training Peaks you can move the sessions around. However, bear in mind the plan has been created to allow appropriate time between sessions for best performance.

  • A Training Peaks account is essential; without this, we cannot put a plan up for you.

    All our plans are based around power in cycling and running and pace in swimming. Therefore you will need a power meter and/or smart training for the bike.

    We prefer the Stryd power meter for running and offer a discount upon signing up. However, you can adapt these to pace (it's just not as good).

    In swimming most watches are unreliable, so we do not require any tech for swimming, although you can use it.


+ £75 Onboarding

Single Discipline Bespoke

Triathlon Training Plan

These bespoke SINGLE discipline training plans complement other discipline training you may be doing. The same process as the Bespoke Triathlon Plans applies to this, but we are only inputting one discipline. However, this is still planned around your requirements, goals and time.

You will need to perform a little admin to ensure that Training Peaks has your other training in, so we can plan around it. If your other training is flexible, then we can also work around this, but we will need to know what you are planning to do.

    1. Subscribe and pay any onboarding fees.

    2. Complete the onboarding form & health questionnaire.

    3. Set a start day at least two weeks in advance. We readjust the subscription date.

    4. Connect your Training Peaks account to ours.

    5. Your plan will be posted up for you to view a few days before the start.

  • Bespoke plans are largely driven by the athlete, the same way a downloaded plan works.

    However, we now include a 20-min call per month for you to discuss or issues or ask questions.

  • Yes you can, within Training Peaks you can move the sessions around. However, bear in mind the plan has been created to allow appropriate time between sessions for best performance.

  • A Training Peaks account is essential; without this, we cannot put a plan up for you.

    All our plans are based around power in cycling and running and pace in swimming. Therefore you will need a power meter and/or smart training for the bike.

    We prefer the Stryd power meter for running and offer a discount upon signing up. However, you can adapt these to pace (it's just not as good).

    In swimming most watches are unreliable, so we do not require any tech for swimming, although you can use it.


+ £30 Onboarding