Informative Articles

Intelligent Triathlon Training was established with the primary goal of providing valuable insights to the triathlon community. Our focus remains on sharing in-depth knowledge and practical experience on various topics within the realm of triathlon. This section upholds our commitment to exploring the scientific foundations, applying key principles, and delving into technical aspects essential for triathletes.

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Is Your VO2max Limiting Your Triathlon Performance
Science, VO2max, Sport Science Mark Pearce Science, VO2max, Sport Science Mark Pearce

Is Your VO2max Limiting Your Triathlon Performance

VO2max or maximal oxygen uptake, is a key physiological measure of cardiovascular fitness.

Along with fractional utilisation and running economy or cycling efficiency, VO2max determines endurance performance.

A high VO2max indicates a high level of aerobic fitness and can help to explain differences in performance between individuals. A high VO2max is important for success in endurance sports like running, cycling, triathlon and duathlon.

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